Thursday, September 3, 2020

The 42 mile run Essay Example for Free

The 42 mile run Essay The 42 mile run is from Buna to Gleivitz and it happens during the Holocaust. It appears to be outlandish particularly since they are detainees and they are skin and bon truly. They had achieved it by being practically similar to a machine, likewise having an enormous pack of individuals contributed a huge sum. The most significant commitment was on the off chance that you had family, in the event that you had family you can utilize that as inspiration like Elie Wiesel the author of Night. â€Å"We were done walking; we were running. Like automatons.† said Elie Wiesel. This implies they were running precisely or like a robot. Elie stated, â€Å"I was placing one foot before the other mechanically.† This implies he wasn’t doing it intentionally his body was doing it on its on. He said that he could feel himself as two substances of his body and himself. As though his psyche and body were isolated. The intensity of the pack was extremely solid however loaded with feeble individuals. On the off chance that it wasn’t a pack and it was only one individual it is difficult to do particularly in these conditions. In the book Elie depicts the pack as a tsunami of men. This implied there were a great many men in the pack. If you somehow happened to stop you would be executed either by the watchmen or individuals from the pack stomping on you. He said his body as running, and the others were as well. So it resembled a pack of ponies running 42 miles. â€Å"Death folded itself over me till it smothered. It adhered to me. I felt that I could contact it. Dying, of done being, started to Fascinate me.† Elie said this, and this implies he was going to offer up, to simply quit running and either be stomped on or shot. Yet, one thing halted him, his dad. In the event that it wasn’t for his dads nearness Elie would be dead. This shows on the off chance that you had a relative with you, at that point it would appear to be nearly as inspiration. The three things that helped the pack run the 42 miles. One was running as though a robot, being mechanical. Another The size of the pack, on the off chance that you halted you would be executed by a tsunami. Also, the last, Family, it must be the greatest inspiration.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Contract Sperm Whales Essay

This understanding is drawn up and marked in Dubai, UAE on the 25 th of April 2012, by and between 1. Jetta Pharmaceuticals Ltd., maker of exceptional medicaments for improving the insusceptible framework, situated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, spoke to in this issue by its business chief Mr. L. Dziel, hereinafter alluded as „seller† and 2. Vegetarian Perfumes, sole maker of SKY ® aromas, situated in 19 Royce Avenue, Nottingham, United Kingdom, spoke to in this issue by its team lead Ms. Sara Zydorczak, hereinafter reffered as „buyer† Whereas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jetta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. purchases the whole yield of Sperm Whales from Whales Hunting Ltd. Jetta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. pays Whales Hunting Ltd. in single amount. Whales Hunting Ltd. transports 200 Sperm Whales to the new-assembled distribution center (expenses of transport remembered for yield cost) From the stockroom organs will be sent to the two organizations central station. Vegetarian Perfumes rei mburses Jetta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in singular amount (financial balance move, 72 hours in the wake of accepting the email address will every required datum). All costs are communicated in American dollars ($). The gatherings concur as follows: 1. 2. 3. The Quantity of the Sperm Whales, which will be purchased from Whales Hunting Ltd. The underlying cost of warm blooded creatures purchased from Whales Hunting Ltd. by Jetta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Building the new stockroom where the whales will be put away and killed. The work will be re-appropriated to the nearby organization. 4. 5. 6. Making the new restricted risk organization „Whales Medicaments and Perfumes†. Establishing a foundation association „Sea forever†. Subtleties, which are associated with the exchange (transport, custom obligation, and so forth.) Arranged issues: Price: †¢ The Price incorporates all expenses and expenses of transport †first from Whales Hunting Ltd. base camp to the stockroom and afterward to Malaysia and to the United Kingdom †¢ Currency: $ (US dollars) Subtleties: Jetta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. purchases the whole yearly yield of Sperm Whales from Whales Hnting Ltd. The date of the exchange is 25th April 2012 Price: $ 25.000 per Sperm Whale Output: 200 Sperm Whales Amount of cash: $ 5.000.000 Jetta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. pays $ 5.000.000 and in the wake of accepting the cash Whales Hunting Ltd. transports 200 Sperm Whales to the new distribution center which area will be send in the email subsequent to transfering cash to the given ledger. From the stockroom organs required by Jetta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. will be send to Malaysia and organs required by Vegan Perfums will be send to the United Kingdom. The killed well evolved creatures will be offered to the galleries in Australia, New Zealand and another nations. The cash from this deals will be transfered to the uncommon 2 ledger made for the new cause association „Sea forever†. The movement of „Sea forever† will be descripted in another agreement marked during the principal visit in the new stockroom. The Import License is the Buyer’s obligation, whenever required. In the event that the Buyer neglects to get the Import License, the Seller has the privilege to end the current agreement. The cutoff time of this exchange relies upon the day when the new stockroom will be fabricated and the work redistributed to the neighborhood organization. Installment terms: Form of installment: cash move to the ledger Time of affecting the installment: 72 hours Goods: The cases from 200 Sperm Whales †sent to Malaysia Ambergis from 200 Sperm Whales †sent to the United Kingdom 200 killed Sperm Whales †left in the stockroom until purchased by historical centers or private authorities Packaging: Containers fit to the transportation of natural issue Warranty: The vehicle organi zation is liable for conveying the items Kind of transport: initial two †planes, destroyed warm blooded animals †compartment ships Place: Transport to Malaysia and the United Kingdom, later on another bearings Costs of the vehicle: All expenses of transportation remembered for Transaction Price. The merchant is committed to take care of every one of extra expenses if important. Time scope of an agreement: This agreement come into power inside 7 days after it is agreed upon. The agreement ends when the gatherings choose. Power Majeure: cataclysmic events, seismic tremors, typhoons, floods, wars, riots or other significant change, government restictions, UN or EU limitations, execution disappointments of gatherings outside the control of the contracting party (subcontractors, providers, bearers, redistributed organization, organization assembling the distribution center) Appropriate law: This agreement will be represented by and developed by New Zealand law Disputes: Any questions, debates or cases between the gatherings emerging out of or identifying with this Agreement will be enforceable and judgment upon any honor rendered by the authorities might be entered in the state court of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, having jurisdiction. The gatherings will have rights to enter state courts if there should be an occurrence of solid conflict with the judgment of the discretion court.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Buenos Aries Essay Example For Students

Buenos Aries Essay The capital of the nation, Buenos Aires is likewise Argentinas driving city in populace, business, and industry. It is situated close to the Atlantic Ocean coast, on the expansive Ro de la Plata, an estuary at the mouth of the Paran and Paraguay waterways. The early Spanish settlers named the city for the great breezes that carried them to the port. Today around 10 million individuals live in the Buenos Aires metropolitan territory, one of the biggest on the planet. The city appropriate makes up a government region, and its chairman is delegated by the countries president. The city isn't a piece of Buenos Aires area, which encompasses it. The CityIts People and CommerceGreater Buenos Aires is comprised of numerous settlements that became together. The most established European place lay in the area of the current Plaza de Mayo, an enormous court in the midtown territory. Avenues in the city were spread out as per a framework design portrayed in the Cdigo de las Indias, an authoritati ve archive followed by the Spaniards in settling the Western Hemisphere. The first lattice is today encircled by Balcarce, 25 de Mayo, Viamonte, Libertad, Salta, and Estados Unidos lanes. Development of the city initially followed the high heights, along which bull and pony drawn two-wheeled carretas conveyed cargo and which the advanced principle roads and the rail lines likewise follow. The latest advancements in the city are the modern segments that stretch out from the old community southward, for example, Dock Sud, La Boca, Barracas, Pinero, and Lans. The Paran River assumes a significant job in the life of Buenos Aires. Oranges, grapefruit, fruits, plums, and vegetables are brought up in its delta zone. Get-away lodging is across the board, and on ends of the week a large number of individuals fill the region to take part in recreational exercises. The Paran gives diversion, yet additionally interfaces the hinterlands with Buenos Aires and supplies water to the populace. The f ocal business area has skyscraper places of business and retail locations. Vehicles are not permitted on the Calle Florida, and customers wander its rich stores, cafés, and lodgings. The close by Calle Reconquista is the money related focus. Outside the focal business locale a significant part of the encompassing city has appealing cobblestone avenues flanked by huge, rich houses and little shops. Numerous parks and neighborhood shopping locale mix in with the local locations. Different dialects might be heard, and notwithstanding numerous different dialects,. magazine kiosks sell papers in Spanish, English, and German. Buenos Aires is noted for its numerous phenomenal book shops. TransportationBuenos Aires is South Americas most noteworthy railroad community, with lines emanating from the city toward Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. Inside the city there is a broad tram organize. Air transportation is very much evolved in Argentina and has its point of conve rgence in the capital. Around three miles (five kilometers) northwest from the midtown focus is the air terminal, Aeroparque Jorge Newberry, which handles local flights and a few departures from neighboring nations. Around 20 miles (35 kilometers) from the downtown area lies Ezeiza Airport, the biggest in the nation and one of the universes significant worldwide air terminals. The tremendous harbor framework in Buenos Aires has opened the shallow waterway channels to the biggest boats. Gigantic stockrooms line the 15 miles (24 kilometers) of wharves. The port is the biggest in South America, however the port offices are old and wasteful. Proposition to move the port to another, better harbor have met with little reaction. Avellaneda, the fundamental mechanical focus, is found only south of the Riachuelo River. From north to south significant pieces of the harbor hang out in a line reaching out for 6 miles (10 kilometers): tremendous force plants for the city; the yacht harbor, addit ionally utilized for seaplanes; wharves for enormous oceangoing vessels; and docks for littler boats and for waterway and beach front transportation. CultureBuenos Aires is a significant distributing focus, noted for the incredibly famous papers printed there. Among the most exceptional are La Prensa and La Nacin. La Prensa turned out to be notable for offering social administrations, library offices, free night schools in trade and music, free clinical and lawful guide, and a free compound research center. The paper experienced difficulty with President Juan Pern, who seized it as a result of its restriction to him. After Pern was removed in 1956, the paper was come back to its proprietors. The city has numerous schools and specialized universities. The University of Buenos Aires, the significant college in Argentina, gives elevated level instruction. In music the city brags one the biggest drama houses in South America, the Coln Theater. There are numerous different theaters, wher ein artists, instrumentalists, and on-screen characters from all through the world perform. A portion of the social projects are communicated over a system of radio and TV slots. Well known music is overwhelmed by the tango, a kind of music began in Argentina and known everywhere throughout the world. HistoryEarly endeavors by Spanish homesteaders to settle at the site of Buenos Aires, starting in 1536, were disheartened by the nearness of antagonistic Indians. It was not until 1580 that Juan de Garay, a settler from Asuncin, set up what turned into the main lasting network at Buenos Aires. The city didn't generally start to grow, nonetheless, until the late 1700s. In light of British and Portuguese development in the zone and expanded sneaking, Buenos Aires was made the seat of a Spanish viceroyalty in 1776. In the mid nineteenth century Buenos Aires was a significant place for the development to liberate the nation from Spain. The city heads had anticipated extraordinary financial focal points from the facilitated commerce that freedom would bring. After autonomy the city developed quickly as the focal point of Argentine political force. In 1880 it was made the perpetual capital of the republic. Through World War I the city profited by a steady economy and significant remote movement. During and after World War II substantial modern development added to the citys extension and fortified its political and financial predominance of the nation. Populace (1986 gauge), government region, 2,924,000. BibliographyComptons Encylcopedia Online Aol Keyword: ComptonsThe Learning Company Aol.Keyword: LearnMagellan Maps maps .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 , .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 .postImageUrl , .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 , .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19:hover , .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19:visited , .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19:active { border:0!important; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19:active , .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u68700 4d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u687004d9e5767bca4d95d15d0336eb19:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Psychophysics Essay

Writing a College Essay - What Should You Include?

Writing a College Essay - What Should You Include?With the increasing emphasis on writing, having students write their own college essay is more difficult than ever. The purpose of the essay is to provide a summary of the main points the student wishes to make in a short but rich manner. Writing a unique essay with flair and style can be difficult but, with a little guidance, students can achieve their goal.A well-known fact is that students are more apt to write an essay on a topic that they believe is highly relevant to them. For this reason, writing an essay with an academic focus is easy. However, students who want to demonstrate personal insight and meaning should choose a subject that is not so academically focused.In general, students will have a choice of three main themes for their essay. The first one is a biography, particularly the life of a person or a prominent person. The second one is an academic essay with a specific subject. The third choice is a personal essay, one that is reflective and presents a small glimpse into the life of the writer.As with all writing, there are some important facts that must be considered before the start of the essay. The first is a brief explanation of the actual point of the essay and why it is relevant to the topic. This makes the essay interesting and enlightening for the reader, who has the chance to remember what was mentioned.The next point is the title of the essay, which is also the most vital aspect of the essay. Titles must fit the topic. If the topic is too broad, the name will be overused and cause a reader to lose interest.The essay also requires some flair and creativity. Students can try different types of style. They can include quotations, creative content, and formal grammar but, these details should not be over-emphasized. When writing a college essay, you must consider that your goal is to deliver the message that you wish to give to the reader.Here are some final tips to keep in mind when writi ng a college essay. The first is to try to write about something that is of importance to the readers, so that it provides the appropriate learning value for them.The second tip is to have an overview of the basic terms used in a given topic. If you can introduce the students to the different terms before starting the essay, this will make the assignment easier for them. In addition, avoid using the term 'I' in any place.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Biomedical scences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Biomedical scences - Essay Example D is acquired as the Mendelian predominant quality while d is acquired as the latent characteristic. The RBCs which bear the D and Dd isotypes are alluded to as Rh+ people and people having the d isotype are alluded to as Rh-people. Practically the entirety of the Rh+ individuals have the D isotype and comparably the Rh-people have the d isotype. At the point when the Rh+ blood is transfused to a Rh-individual then enemy of Rh factor will create in the patient’s blood inside 12 days. On the off chance that there is a second transfusion of a similar blood (Rh+ blood) to that individual at that point cross response with Rh factor and hostile to Rh factor will cause agglutination responses prompting hemolytic sicknesses of grown-ups and infant. On the off chance that the mother is rhesus negative and the hatchling is rhesus positive (the RBC contains Rhesus antigen acquired from a rhesus positive dad), at that point antibodies will be shaped against the rhesus antigen (in the emb ryo) and will cross the placenta and enter the mother’s blood. In the primary pregnancy there will be no issues yet during the second pregnancy these antibodies will cross the placenta and cross respond with the Rhesus antigens of the embryo conveyed during the subsequent pregnancy and cause agglutination responses. This will cause erythroblastosis fetalis prompting hemolytic iron deficiency and in some cases statement of unconjugated bilirubin (got from the breakdown of hemoglobin from the lysis of RBC’s) in the basal ganglia prompting neural shortfalls (Chatterjee, 2004). 2. All the six Rh agglutinogens specifically the C, c, D, d, E and e are associated with the hemolytic responses and are of the deferred type. Albeit routine blood bunch tests has dispensed with the danger of similarity of RhD isotype yet the different isotypes may prompt refinement in instances of ailments like sickle cell pallor. This malady is pervasive in blacks who express the E antigen and thus produce the counter E agglutinins which lead to troubles of benefactor choice in them for transfusion purposes as in sickle

The Potential Users Of Financial Accounting Information Accounting Essay

The Potential Users Of Financial Accounting Information Accounting Essay The clients are a significant part in bookkeeping frameworks, and assume a key job in handiness of money related bookkeeping data. Budgetary bookkeeping is a term normally applied to outer announcing by giving data about the monetary situation of a business to a wide scope of clients in settling on financial choices (Weetman, 2011). The motivation behind this paper is to survey the connections between the potential clients and genuine clients of money related bookkeeping data and the importance proof to current practice. A wide range of contentions have been advanced about this issue. The paper has been isolated into five sections. It first gives a concise outline of who the potential clients of budgetary bookkeeping data are. Furthermore, it manages the genuine clients of the data. It at that point goes on to how valuable of money related bookkeeping data is and takes a gander at how solid is the proof that they use data in the manners anticipated. At last, the motivation behind why the potential clients may not be genuine clients of money related bookkeeping data is done. The potential clients of money related bookkeeping data Money related bookkeeping intends to permit clients to comprehend the financial movement of the organization (Stolowy, et al., 2010). For a restricted risk organization fiscal reports would contain monetary record, benefit and misfortune account, proclamation of perceived additions and misfortunes and income explanation (Weetman, 2011). Without clients, budgetary bookkeeping data will lost its job. As per FASB (2010), the goal of money related revealing is to give helpful budgetary data to existing and potential clients to settle on financial choices. There are a few clients who are keen on monetary bookkeeping data. Atrill and Mclaney (2008) expressed that the reason for money related data to be utilized and the individual budgetary data to be given must be clear. By definition and various needs from one another, it could characterize as inside clients, for example, directors and outside clients which incorporate proprietors, loan specialists, government, workers, contenders, client s, network, and providers (IASC, 1989). Broadly useful budget summaries expected bookkeeping data which would bear some significance with a wide scope of client gatherings (FASB, 2010), see index 1. Along these lines, everybody could be the potential clients of money related bookkeeping data as long as there is a requirement for the data. Real clients of the budgetary bookkeeping data From the interior administration see, it has been contended that the fundamental clients of bookkeeping data about an association could be the individuals who deal with the organization consistently, for example, administrators (Weetman, 2011). A Statement of Basic Accounting Theory (ASOBAT) didn't proclaim a specific client gathering, for example, financial specialists to be essential clients. Rather, it has been declared that valuable data was required for both interior and outside reason. Characterized clients of bookkeeping data into two general gatherings: outside clients which incorporate present and potential financial specialists, loan bosses, workers, stock trades, legislative units and clients on stand out from interior administration. Notwithstanding, According to FASB (2010), the essential clients of money related bookkeeping data allude to existing and potential financial specialists, moneylenders, and different banks. They need substances revealing data gave in a rounda bout way. As genuine clients are contained in the potential clients, see reference section 2, on the off chance that they have same interests in the money related bookkeeping data, the real clients may incorporate directors, loan specialists, providers, clients, contenders, representatives, government and network (Britton and Waterston, 2006). Comparable end has been contended by Atrill and McLaney (2008), Perks (2007) and Weetman (2011). The convenience of monetary bookkeeping data A large portion of clients treat the budget summaries as the primary wellspring of money related data. As indicated by IASB (1989), it expect that if fiscal reports address the issues of financial specialists, it will likewise address the issues of most different clients (Weetman, 2011). The value of bookkeeping data is under reason of its high subjective qualities. There are four fundamental subjective qualities which are depicted as pertinence, unwavering quality, likeness and understandability. Notwithstanding, just if the data really settles on an adjustment in clients choices could characterize it as pertinence Framework (1989). Likewise bookkeeping data ought to be material and the advantages of giving the data ought to exceed the expenses (Atrill and Mclaney, 2008). The reason for budget summaries isn't intended to meet all the clients needs (FASB, 2010). It is conceivable to set up the fiscal reports for universally useful which will have a few interests for all clients. For example, as speculators give hazard funding to the organization, the arrangement of budget reports meets the two financial specialists and different clients who are keen on evaluating dangers (Stolowy, et al., 2010). These money related reports are important for clients who have no haggling influence and no noteworthy financial impact in associations (Elliott and Elliott, 2009). It has been affirmed that universally useful fiscal summaries will in general spotlight on the essential clients which incorporated the proprietors, long haul loan specialists and lenders. The interests of essential clients may cover with the interests of other client gatherings. Along these lines, this could fulfill most clients requirements for monetary bookkeeping data (Weetman, 2011). The fiscal reports, which treat proprietors, loan specialists and banks as essential clients, could give helpful monetary bookkeeping data to the presence of clients. use data in the manners anticipated The monetary bookkeeping data could assist clients with making choices and decrease vulnerability over the money related position and execution of the business. For instance, to help accessibility of assets to pay proprietors an arrival, to reimburse advances, to compensate representatives (Atrill and Mclaney, 2008). It has been guaranteed that bookkeeping data can't addresses the entirety of the issues of every one of the different client gatherings (FASB, 2010). Atrill and Mclaney (2008) expressed that Different gatherings of clients have distinctive worth and requirements. Notwithstanding, client bunches want to know all the more bookkeeping data as could be expected under the circumstances. Struggle between client bunches is likely occur during business preparing. For example, supervisors they have close inclusion with the business, they approach a wide scope of data and most may be classified in organization (Weetman, 2011). They know progressively inner data about the present a nd future circumstance of the organization than outside financial specialists. This could be characterized as data asymmetry (Scott, 2009). Speculator may settle on wrong choice dependent on off base data gave by chiefs, so they need to know more data other than the budget summaries. It is additionally fought that there are a few client bunches they need to address explicit issues legitimately from the business, for example, governments, HM Revenue and Customs, and administrators and executives. Loan specialists are typically given substantially more data than is remembered for distributed fiscal reports, including estimate data, month to month breakdowns and money spending plans (Perks, 2007). To have everything to be remembered for a companys fiscal summaries is ridiculous (Perks, 2007). Monetary bookkeeping data is introduced as the type of profoundly summed up budget reports. The primary issue with the monetary data needs of the client bunches are that most need to know foresee what's to come. Investors, banks, loan specialists and representatives all need to recognize what the companys future possibilities are. In any case, a large portion of data in budget summaries has just occurred (Stice and Stice, 2006). Numerous clients concerned how significant the past data was and the dependability of business future figure. Along these lines, it isn't feasible for an organization to distribute precisely the data that everybody needs. The data is structured for the sake of spotlight on investors and banks (Perks, 2007) There is no comparative substitute for the data gave by the budget summaries. In this manner, if clients can't assemble the necessary data structure the budget reports. It is regularly inaccessible to them. Different wellsprings of data concerning the money related strength of a business are ordinarily considerably less valuable. Thus, the proof isn't sufficient for the client gatherings to utilize data in the manner predicated and it is regularly hard to survey the effect of bookkeeping on dynamic (Atrill and Mclaney, 2008) potential clients may not be real clients of money related data As Young (2006) asserted a portion of the genuine clients were different, clashing, conflicting, and uneducated. These clients are problematic and constrained information about budgetary bookkeeping data and its procedure. FASB (2010) have led another idea of the fiscal report client a judicious monetary chief. It implies that the choices of premium are reasonable, if articulations can be associated with the estimate of future incomes, it could be said levelheaded leaders need it. Clients can be considered more to be speculative perusers of fiscal reports than as genuine clients, since they need specific kinds of data (Young, 2006). Besides, the clashing needs of clients and restricted data gave in reports may cause potential clients can't discover data valuable to them (Atrill and McLaney, 2008). In this manner, the potential clients probably won't be the genuine clients of money related bookkeeping data, a bit of potential clients could be. End Taking everything into account, the present paper has explored the clients of money related bookkeeping data. The inquiry presented at the start of this paper was to look at the reasons why the potential clients may not be genuine clients of money related bookkeeping informati

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Literature Review On Terrorism - Free Essay Example

Terrorism has deep history science the cold war but this issue become most salient after terrorist attacks in September 11 2001. This incident affected the UK and international business community in various ways. On one hand the world business community was affected financially, the other hand it suffers due to legal and security issues. The international business between countries was most seriously affected due to security and safety concerns and legal issue. Especially UK, US and other developed countries were compulsion to protect their territory and people on the cost of business with the rest of the world. Many businesses found themselves floundering financially in the months after the terrorist attack on world Trade Centre, while businesses located in world trade centre lost their personal and business locations. According to U.S department of state (2002) more than 3000 people of different nationalities were killed in the terrorist attacks only in the United States in September 11, 2001. The attacks were the conspicuous example of terrorism on global level. According to the overview of European commission (2001) this was the one of the major event in the past decades which diversifies the viewpoint and outlook of people around the world. Terrorism affects both the long term and short term perspectives of the businesses around the world. Czinkota (2002) cited that terrorism influenced long term karma of entire industries, for example tourism, retailing and manufacturing industries. In this competitive age, the business environment is changing dramatically. The international business has culminated in a global economy, with diverging cultures. But, there are strong protests against globalization echoing its destabilizing effects from many corners of the world. Terrorism can be seen, in substantial part, as a result of this backlash to the businesses. There are number of definitions of terrorism, in the world of Alexander et al (1979) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“terrorism is a threat or use of enforcement and inclemency to achieve a political goal by means of intimidation fear, and coercionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. In the present world context, the European Union (2001) define the terrorism relevant to international business in the following words. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Terrorist offences are certain criminal offenc es set out in a list comprised largely of serious offences against persons and property which, given their nature or context, may seriously damage a country or an international organisation where committed with the aim of: seriously intimidating a population; or unduly compelling a Government or international organisation to perform or abstain from performing any act; or seriously destabilizing or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organisationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. In UK terrorism is not new phenomenon but businesses were highly affected due to September 11, 2001 and July 7, 2005 incident. Although the economic impact on UK businesses has not been detrimental as initially feared but it is very important not to diminish the impact of even small unforeseen costs can have on businesses in particular. However many UK businesses were relived that tangible impact of terrorist attacks had been very small but busin ess confidence is the key and has inevitably been affected in short term. The biggest economic impacts of past twenty years terrorist attacks is the damage to confidence in the UK businesses and people. This study is another attempt to research and investigates the impacts of terrorism on the UK businesses activities and we will also discuss different approaches for reducing and handling the terrorism threats. 1.1 Research Aim: The aim of this research is to analyse and explore the economic effects of terrorism on businesses in the United Kingdom. The second part of this research is to critically analyse and recommend the most appropriate strategies for management to deal with the terrorist threats or scrutinize the different business strategic views to avoid and minimise the impact of terrorism on UK businesses. 1.2 Research Objectives: This research has the following individual objectives: Critically analyse the economic impact of terrorism on UK organizations and the entire economy in UK. Evaluate the managerial performance in organizations, before, during and after the happening of the terrorist attacks and in uncertain environment. 1.3 Research Questions: What are the economic effects of terrorism on business? How to development strategy for managers or adopt a better approaches to deal with above mentioned issues? 2. Literature Review: In this era terrorism is arguably one of the biggest threats to the business around the world. It can take many shapes and forms. The last twenty years have seen a dramatic rise in terrorism. Terrorism did not begin in 21st century after World Trade Centre terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. The terrorism history is as old as humansà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ willingness to use violence to affect politics. Europe, United States and other continents have a very long and sad history of terrorist attacks. In past century IRA in UK, ETA in Spain, Brigate Rosse in Itely, Rote Armee Fraktion in Germany, 7 November in Greece are the few worse examples of terrorist groups in Europe. In United States we remember the bombing in Oklahoma City in 1994, World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks. But September 11 2001 attacks have changed the world, as UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has said, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“none of the issue that faced us on 11 September 2001 has be come less urgentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Now the terrorism has grown to an unprecedented limit and in multiplicity. As we know that, even terrorist without the use of weapons of mass destruction can kill thousands of people and destroy businesses (Gabriele G.S. Suder 2004). According to Blomberg et al 2004 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“terrorism is associated with a diversion of spending from investment to governmentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ expenditureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. To fund these government expenditures, they borrow from foreign financial institutions and governments. The develop countries with less volatile currencies normally issue long term debts to cover the deficit and less developing countries confronting terrorism by government spending through sale of foreign reserves, printing more currency and increasing inflation. Gupta Clements (2004) reached the same conclusion, that the terrorist activities severe impacts on less develop countries than developed from monetary policy perspective. Terrorism has it s massive effects on economy and business activities. It effects deleteriously on marketing strategies, buyer demand and market supply effect immensely. Most firms operating in the affected area gets impact from the thrust of government policies to quell terrorism. This kind of wide-spread results predict an escalate attractiveness of terrorism, as part for that group which assume to develop the core of businesses. It is impossible to secure all of the targets of terrorism at the same time. In the number of attacks done by small terrorist groups with least resources the loss was massive. If costs of an attack be measured by the loss which businesses faced, the businesses always paid far great amount than the cost to terrorist group. Hoffman (1998) cited that the cost of the bomb was not more than $400, which was the reason of the loss of $550 millions in the blast of World Trade Centre 1993. The amount which is sending to protect the world from terrorism is many billion dollars, whi le the terrorist cost nothing in front of it. This threat of terrorism attacks poses a continuous threat and create atmosphere of risk for the businesses. This risk itself creates extension for treatment of risk in management theories. The majority of management literature theories adopt term à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"uncertaintyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ as a factor of unpredictable environment which may influence the performance of firms in certain ways. The environment effected by terrorism also has a factor of unpredictability in it. Businesses internationally and locally particularly affected by terrorism because when some thing happen it disrupt the supply chain and business activities in addition to interrupt information flows, and effects on the demand for industrial side as well as consumer side. Every year more than trillion dollars are spent on combating terrorism. This along with billons dollars lost in property damage, loss of human resources and decrease in key industries potential pr ofit. It is a plague on global economy and affects on everyone from entire countries to all the way down to individual. Terrorism in recent years has sparked, increase in fear and demand higher level of security. The cost of terrorism can be broken down into number of areas and come down to direct effects, response costs and negative effects on key industries. For example, Manchester bombing was carried out by IRA in 1996 targeted the city centre infrastructure and economy caused widespread damage. According to the BBC News (2004), over 400 businesses within the half a mile of the blast were affected and 40% of which did not recover. Another example of terrorist attack on businesses is Baltic Exchange bombing 1992, which damaged the Exchange and surrounding buildings and caused  £800 millions worth of damage. The latest terrorist attacks in UK was July 7 London bombing, which had massive effects on UK businesses. According to the LCCI (2005) report, business confidence in Lon don had slumped to the lowest levels not seen since the start of Iraq war. Because, terrorist attacks disrupt supply chain and other business activities. Alexander (2004) says in his book Business Confronts Terrorism, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“terrorismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s implication on business merits closer scrutiny given its relation to economic security. Terror metamorphoses business causing business to deal with current threats and craft plans to reduce future challenges. Terrorists weaken society and business through their manipulation of economic systems componentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Terrorism interrupts information flows and effects on the demand form both business and consumer side. This falling demand may have different outcomes which may comprises of losses of customers contracts, customer trust, reduces market share, decline in turnover and profitability and also result business failure. For example according to the LCCA report, UK tourism industry badly effected by July 7 terrorist att acks. The Guardianà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s research shows that after July 7 Bombing, Londoners themselves who are leaving the centre in the evening rather than the tourists. Within a month after these attacks, it has been estimated that terrorism cost UK tourism industry in excess of  £300 million. According to U.S Department of state (2002) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“terrorist select businesses for attack compare to other targetsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The most kind of attack is bomb blast, although armed attacks and kidnapping are also some kinds of terrorist attacks. According to Council of Foreign Relations (2002) report, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the majority of victims in terrorist attack are civilians and the relatively large number of business may not prepare to face these kinds of risksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Managers and decision makers remain confident about handling unexpected risk. However the scenario has changed as it was at the time of terrorist attack in 9/11. Kunreuther et al (2003) cited that during the days of terrorist attacks in 9/11 a common feeling came into mind of people that it could be me. But with the passage of time this may give way to may be it will not à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ next time. This kind of behaviour is more common now a day in south Asia. But it is a common thinking that it is extremely easy for terrorist that to attack any where in the world. Even in low cost and low tech attacks terrorists achieve to disrupt the world economy. After the September 11 terrorist attacks many UK international organisations have badly affected legally because new laws introduced and they struggle to keep up with new rules and regulations imposed by international community in the effort to prevent further terrorist attacks. Anne Slaughter (2005) cited that new international laws restricted the companies for shipping goods across international borders and requires them to keep proper track of their activities. The anti terrorist laws have made very complicated for organizations to conduct their business activities across the international borders as a result many organisations have restructured theirs companies to allow them to meet demands of international anti terror laws. Another major issue that effect the international organizations is security and they have to invest huge amount of money to improve both internal and external security. External security is most important because terrorist target organizations to achieve their targets. Internal security also need to improve to ensure that organisation have financial records, employees records and ensure that employees do not have any criminal backgrounds or involved in terrorist activities in the past. It is vital for all organizations that they protect themselves and their stakeholders from terrorist activities. The international organizations should not underestimate the impact of terrorism because they make billions dollars each year and provide employment millions of people aroun d the world. In this modern era, it is very easy for terrorist to attack international organizations in such a way that they would stop them from operating in an effective manner. It is very difficult to explain, why terrorism has become the major problem for big and international organizations. Modern terrorism is particularly onerous, because of characteristic of its impact. The impact of terrorism on macroeconomic is crucial, customers feel themselves in stress and some kind of continuous fear which definitely effects the spending patterns. Managerial behaviour in macro economy also feels consequences of terrorism. Media have its vital role in ending fear among the society but very often it fails. Many of times, because of the irresponsible reporting it generates scenes of ever present possibility of terrorist act. According to Crenshaw (1990) the new and fastest ways of communication allow people to know about happens in the other part of the world within minutes about any te rrorist attack. On the other hand terrorist groups are adopting the latest techniques to communicate with each other and even sometime just for spreading fear with in the specific community to achieve their targets. Czinkota et al (2004) cited that terrorist also using old traditional ways to communicate which are unable to penetrate. The latest ways of transportation system gives terrorist groups better way to move around. The impact of terrorism can be calculated from a number of ways. According to Czinkota et al (2004) the micro level research is a moderate degree of research. It help to analyze effects of terrorism on specific regions, value chain or cross industry level, but can be determine and examine more specifically than those of macro level. When terrorist events happens if effects businesses direct and indirect way and disrupt the economic process. To make the effects of the terrorist activities stronger terrorist groups try to make businesses their direct targets. Bu siness are more attractive target for those groups as their presence is everywhere and their aftermaths are more deep on society and on the economics. 2.1 Conclusion: Terrorism effects business activates deeply. This threat compel almost every department of business which cause decline in the profit of firm and on the other side the whole economy has to bear the cost of every single act of terrorism. According to LCCI (2005) report, after 9/11 terrorist attacks, majority of organizations fear high risk of terrorist attacks and they have contingency plan in place to deal with uncertainty. As globalization integrates multinational organizations and financial markets, events like terrorism which spurn economic uncertainty have increasingly international consequences. Terrorism causes unpredictable political and economic consequences, infuses the public with fear and prevents the free flow of capital, labour, and free market principles. Because of their disastrous impacts, occurrences of terrorism have serious implications on the performance of international and UK organizational. Immediate responses are felt in financial markets and the effected industry sectors. These sustained reactions can be observed through macroeconomic impacts, economic policy responses and investor confidence. As world move towards more liberal economies and democratic political structures, organizations must have the ability to adapt and respond to terrorist events. In order to do so, decision makers and policy makers need a more complete picture and understanding of the deleterious effects of terrorism on organization. 3. Research Methodology: The main proposed research methodology is secondary research which is based on the critical and comprehensive analysis of the existing published literature related to the specific area of research. Books, published journal articles, published research reports, surveys, organizational records, qualitative research and internet (websites and search engines) will be used to collect secondary sources data. I think these sources will help me to complete my research work. I will use all the above mentioned secondary research methods for my research work and I am highly interested to use the deductive method because it is more logical and authentic way to prove my research. Moreover I will use both quantitative and qualitative techniques to critically analyze my collected data and to reach the conclusion. But in this research work, I will prefer to use more qualitative method of data collection. According to Lincoln and Guba (1985) a qualitative method captures a more complete picture of individual lived experience instead of a narrow perspective of generalizations. The qualitative data provide me an opportunity to study the material of the recent or more distant past to gain the more insights information for methodological and theoretical purposes. 3.1 Advantages of secondary research methodology: This kind of research helps in examining large scale trend. It is easy to accessible so researcher can consume most of its time in critically analysing data rather than collecting it. Sometime primary data collection is not necessary for the research, because of the available secondary data is completely suitable to draw a conclusions and answers of the questions and sufficient for solving problem. The collection of secondary data is far cheaper than the collection of primary data. For the same level of research budget secondary research definitely gives relatively more information than the primary research can give. The time consumption is much less in the collection of data and conducting results in comparison with the primary research. The results obtain from secondary source of information may more precise than the result obtain from the primary data collection. It may not happen all the time but if research is about at large scale. 3.2 Problems of Secondary Research: In secondary research the researches have to be careful about authenticity of secondary resources. Because at the same type of data or idea two different types of department or persons have different type of opinion. Some time material available for research is too old and out dated, so it may difficult for researcher to interpret results. The source of the data and material may not reliable each time, so it may impact the reliability and authenticity of results of the research. Sometimes secondary research has lack of firmness of perspective. If data and material collected from non authentic sources it is difficult to check its biasness and inaccuracies. The published material and statistics often raise more questions than answers. 3.3 Limitations: There are some limitations the data may have and the problems that could arise if these limitations are ignored. The verification of existing data is difficult. Secondary data can be general and vague and sometimes it may cause difficulties in decision making. It is possible that data could be out dated and the sample used to generate the secondary data maybe small. The data publisher company may not be reputable. While keeping in mind those limitations of secondary data, I will use data for my research from reputable academic websites and published literature. 3.4 Conclusion: A use and search of secondary data should be preceding any primary research activity. Secondary data definitely helps to solve and understand the problem and gives valid answers. The process of collecting secondary data for research is far cheaper and quicker in compare with primary data at in some cases it could be more accurate. There is always a need of evaluation about data and its source before using it for research. Where possible it is better to take same data from different sources so the biasness and errors can be double check for the more accurate results. 4. Research Structure and Design: This research consists of six chapters. It begins with chapter 1, which reveals the need, aim and objectives for this research to be attained. Chapter 2 of my research will discuss the methodology, which enables me to fulfil the requirements of this research. Chapter 3 is an extensive and deep interpretation of literature review about terrorism. Chapter 4 of this research will explore the impacts of terrorism on businesses. Chapter 5 of this research evaluates performance and adaptation of suitable strategy by management on different kind of business activities and also scrutinize the different business strategic views which a business can adopt for minimizing the effects of terrorism. Finally chapter 6 of this research is the conclusion and recommendation chapter which will answer all the key questions, aim and objectives of this research seek. 5. Research Implementation Plan: Research Plan Week beginning Date. 23-10-2010 No. Of Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Background reading and literature review x x Research design and plan x Choice of methodology x Gathering data x x Data analysis and refine x x Writing up draft x x x Editing final document x x Produce final document x Document passed to supervisor to read x 6. Research Ethics: While carrying out the research, the most important thing to keep in mind and practice is the ethical considerations. And in my research work this is very critical and of prime consideration. I will follow all the ethical considerations and guidelines. As my research work is based on secondary research, so what ever the secondary data I will use to achieve my research objectives, I will follow the all terms and conditions of ethical considerations. Throughout my research I will practice honesty in processing and reporting all the data, this will be my own work and I will not copy the other researcher data or work, I will not be bias in my research while collecting or processing the data. I will try my utmost to avoid the omissions and errors while analysing the data and will keep all the record of the data and their valid sources. I am fully aware that the plagiarism is a serious academic crime, so I will not plagiarise my research. I will quote all the citations and that will be f ully referenced.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Topics For Presentation

Topics For PresentationThe best topics for presentation is always based on your audience, the level of interest you have in the topic, and the length of time you wish to deliver the presentation. Knowing the topic will enable you to choose a topic that will allow you to capture the attention of your audience and to make your audience want to hear what you have to say.Topics for presentation can range from an entire room full of people to a magazine spread. The different types of presentations may include presenting information about your company or making a sales pitch for your product. There are many ways you can use topics for presentation.Health care, medical organizations, and education are two of the most popular topics for presentations. Medical organizations would include your local hospital, doctors, nurse practitioners, etc. For the same reason you could also use these topics to outline an educational curriculum or an instructional course.Education is another topic that you can use to help your audience to stay on topic. In this case you could teach your audience the purpose of a presentation, the audience you are presenting it to, the purpose of the presentation, and the topic you are covering. You could use this as an opportunity to answer questions about the topic or to share other personal experiences with the audience. You could also use this topic to explain the importance of the topic to your audience or to give advice or information about what they should do to take advantage of the topic.Sales is another of the best topics for presentation. A business presentation is one of the best ways to increase the bottom line and get your business out there to the world. In this case you could have the audience buy something that you are selling or to purchase something they might be interested in. You could also use this topic to illustrate a point about the product you are promoting or the product itself.If you choose to promote a product with a long t itle, then you will need to make sure the subject matter you talk about is rich with information. If your content is very basic, your audience will get bored and lose interest. You will need to choose a topic that provides a good amount of information and give the audience the opportunity to understand the subject matter, and that doesn't get boring quickly.Topics for presentation can be difficult to select, but with a little research you can find some ideas that fit your audience and your experience. You can also learn how to write better topics for your next presentation.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Abolition Of Slavery And The Civil War - 1349 Words

Throughout American history there have been numerous civil rights movements and shifts of thoughts and beliefs. One of the largest and arguably the most impactful movement was the movement to end slavery. America has always been divided on the issue, and even to this day there are harsh sentiments between different ethnicities. America made an official decision on the matter following a brutal and violent civil war. The Thirteenth Amendment was passed on January 31st, 1865 and read: â€Å"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.† This amendment followed Abraham Lincoln’s†¦show more content†¦The Senate actually passed the amendment in 1864, yet the House of Representatives did not. Through Abraham Lincoln’s efforts with the Republican party, the House eventually decided to pass the amendmen t with a vote of 119 to 56 in January, 1865. This established the Thirteenth Amendment as part of the U.S. Constitution, only needing ratification by three-fourths of the states. It was officially adopted on December 6, 1865 and was a Constitutional amendment. Of the remaining states, all but three had ratified it by 1870. Delaware ratified it in 1901, while Kentucky and Mississippi did not ratify it until the second half of the 20th century. Kentucky ratified the Thirteenth Amendment in 1976 and Mississippi did not ratify it until 1995 (History Net, n.d.). The inclusion of the Thirteenth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution meant that this particular issue was widespread and was also very controversial. It put an end to one of the bloodiest American conflicts and also established boundaries that America was to be a free country where everyone is meant to be equal. The abolition of slavery was necessary to patch a divided country and to free those who had been forced to spend their li ves working for the gain of others, simply because of their skin color. Its inclusion in the

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe - 1778 Words

â€Å"Upon its head, with red extended mouth and solitary eye of fire, sat the hideous beast whose craft had seduced me into murder, and whose informing voice had consigned me to the hangman. I had walled the monster up within the tomb† (Poe 32). This is the ending of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat.† This story is one of the many famous short stories Poe has written in his life time. However, this story, in particular, captivities the horror and frightening works of his display. Having his personal history and short story at hand, will help his audience to understand some of his guilty pleasures. In this Critical Analysis Essay, the composition of â€Å"The Black Cat† will be revealed by connecting the pieces of Edgar Allan Poe’s life together, exposing his point of view. In order to analysis â€Å"The Black Cat,† one has to know the history of the author to truly understand his interpretations. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809 (Loveday 5). Growing up, Poe never knew his father, David Poe, Jr., since he walked out on him and his mother when he was around the age of one (5). As for his mother, Eliza Poe, died of pneumonia on December 8, 1811, leaving Edgar abandon and helplessly alone (5). Edgar Allan Poe, on no occasion, grow up with a normal life, and under no circumstances had the opportunity to communicate physically or verbally with his birth parents. In result of losing his parents, he and his two siblings, William Henry Leonard PoeShow MoreRelatedThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1117 Words   |  5 Pages Edgar Allan Poe’s narrator in â€Å"The Black Cat† describes himself as a lover of animals and a man with a kind heart. But he uses his animals and alcoholism as an excuse for his perver se behavior. However, Poe drops hints though out the narrative to tell a different story. His violence towards animals tells the story of an irrational man who weeps while hanging his cat. Therefore, Poe employs the narrator to show the human tendency to use scapegoats to shift blame for the wrong thing we do. The narratorRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe885 Words   |  4 Pagesobserve. An example of these observation and hands on applications would be Edgar Allan Poe, a writer and a poet, whom would be absolutely intrigued in these behaviors. His unique interpretation of the human mind could be seen in â€Å"The Black Cat.† In this short story Edgar Allan Poe embeds himself as the protagonist who are mere victims of the complexities of the mind known as revenge, anger, and perversity. â€Å"The Black Cat† shows the vital side effects of the mind recognized as revenge, anger, andRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1240 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature, D.H. Lawrence condemns Americans for dodging their true selves by means of intellectualization and idealization. Both Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat† and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† feature allegorical representations of characters deceiving themselves in order to deny the darker aspects of their inner selves. In Poe’s â€Å"The Black Cat,† the narrator denies the darker aspects of his soul by abstracting his horrific actions with spectral evidence in order to externalizeRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe Essay917 Words   |  4 Pagesreality.† - Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is known for his dark and thought-provoking horror stories. In particular, The Black Cat does just that. The story focuses on the rationalizations of the horrific actions of the narrator. A black cat is introduced to pounce down on the rationalization of the narrator’s actions. Edgar Allan Poe also constructs a story where the main basis of the narrator’s decisions are ethical egoism and the principles of conscience. Poe constructs the black cat as the conscienceRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1900 Words   |  8 Pagesportion of his life writing these kind of stories. Edgar Allan Poe was influenced by his own life experiences, social normalities of the early 19th century, and used literary devices to write horrific works such as The Black Cat, The Raven, and Berenice. Edgar Allan Poe wrote the short story The Black Cat in 1843. The story starts out fairly normal, but very quickly spirals into a horrendous chain of events. The narrator of the story has a cat that he adaores at first, but then he grows irritatedRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe Essay1503 Words   |  7 PagesThe Black Cat Gothic Analysis In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Black Cat† (1843), Poe creates a gothic narrative that exceeds the suspicions of the audiences predeterminations. Throughout the entirety of his piece Poe creates a scene that continuously leaves his readers wondering what was happening next. Suspicion being a key factor in gothic tales is only one strategy Poe used to illuminate the story of an unnamed psychopath and his attempts to either clear his conscious or set the recordRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe871 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe is a world famous author who writes suspenseful/thriller story that keeps everyone interested. Three of his stories that we have read is â€Å"The Black Cat,† â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†. The five questions that will be discussed is how/why does Poe have his narrator plan the murder of his victim, what is the narrators reason for killing his victim, how does the narrator dispose of the body, does the narrator know the difference between right and wrong, and finallyRead MoreThe Black Cat, By Edgar Allan Poe1202 Words   |  5 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is prominent for his literacy style of horror and mystery, in which he had written an innumerable number of short stories and poems in his lifetime. Evidently, many of his writings like, â€Å"The Black Cat,† â€Å"William Wilson,† and â€Å"The Raven,† share the same style, as their protagonists’ demonstrated a paucity of reliability. Readers often become engaged with how the main character of each text showed their rivulet of tales that seem to be quite fictitious. Available evidence suggestsRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1142 Words   |  5 Pagescharacter survives eight shots to the torso, all happy endings. Edgar Allan Poe isn’t like that. Most of his characters are dark and insane. They have one last shred of sanity then they refuse to keep it and then they end up going insane, much like the characters in The Black Cat, The Raven, and A Tell-Tale Heart. All three the men reach insanity. In The Black Cat a man expresses his passion over all animals. He has a gorgeous black cat named Pluto,his prized possession. Years later this man has aRead MoreThe Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe1243 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The Black Cat,† Edgar Allan Poe states the nameless narrator is in a prison cell, retelling his story of his struggles from the abuse of alcoholism, perverseness, and animal cruelty. He was married to his beautiful wife and had a variety of pet animals. The narrator starts to talk about his beloved black cat, Pluto, and how he believes it’s evil and the reason for his crazy actions. He came home drunk one day assuming his cat was avoiding him. He tried to grab his cat, but with fear, the cat nipped

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sex Education and the American Family Essay - 1345 Words

For years, the question â€Å"Should schools teach sex education?† has been asked in American households; and many families have agreed that they would rather not have the schools teach sex education to their children. In each region of the country, there are families that feel the money should not fund sex education, especially funds put into public education, because that is â€Å"a duty for the parents.† A question remains, however, why people do not discuss sex with their children, and does this lack of communication between child and parent affect the child’s future. This lack of communication has been proven through studies to be harmful to the lifestyles and well-being of members of society. The importance of family involvement and†¦show more content†¦The data from the studies displayed that mostly practicing religious families and stable two-parent households have been examples how family involvement affects the outcome and possibility of sexua l activity in offspring. Researchers examined families with strong religious backgrounds to be fifty percent less likely to have many sexual partners if any. Strongly devout Christian families encourage and influence their children to practice abstinence in order to â€Å"stay pure† and healthy. By doing so, the opportunity to â€Å"reach Heaven and find moral peace† is easier and more likely. Research has also shown that children from two-parent households are encouraged abstinence and are fifteen percent less likely to have sex or many sexual partners. Two-parent homes represent stability within the family unit and show a value of commitment to one person; therefore, the children raised in these types of homes will be less inclined to be promiscuous or curious about sex with others because they have been raised that one person should only be committed to one other. This is one example of how family involvement can teach children that more comes from sex and more is t o be considered, such as how sex can make a family and teach values. Families also have the ability to delay sex in their children’s lives, which is both good and bad, but studies have shown that theShow MoreRelatedSingle Sex Education : Harmful Or Helpful?1654 Words   |  7 PagesSingle Sex Education: Harmful or Helpful? Imagine walking down a hallway, where there are two doors opposite of each other. One of the doors is covered in pink frills and pictures of princesses, while the other is decked in blue and pictures of sports. From the pink door, giggles are heard along with sounds of cups clicking as girls have a tea party. While from the blue door, sounds of pretend racecars and children running can be heard. Now, are these classes taught equally? 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Students should leave a sex education course with the right tools so they make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being. The goal of sex education is to provide a student with as much information as possible so that they can use the skills they learned inRead MoreUnintended Pregnancy : An American Epidemic Essay1280 Words   |  6 PagesUnintended Pregnancy: An American Epidemic This year in America, over one million teens will become pregnant. More than 80% of these pregnancies will be unintended (North Carolina PRAMS 2009). Unintended pregnancy is commonly defined as â€Å"a pregnancy that is reported to have been either unwanted (that is, the pregnancy occurred when no children, or no more children, were desired) or mistimed (that is, the pregnancy occurred earlier than desired)† (CDC 2015). Though some teen pregnancies are intentionalRead MoreSex And Its Effects On Children1706 Words   |  7 PagesWhen someone hears the word â€Å"sex†, or talks about sex, there is usually awkwardness that follows. Sex was a topic that is not supposed to be discussed publicly. Why is something so natural illegal to discuss or educate? Today, 1 in 4 teenagers acquire a sexually transmitted disease/infection. In 2015, 13,828 youth males were diagnosed with HIV. These statistics are so high because of the insufficient amount and the lack of information bein g taught to teens. With the media’s lack of discretion, teensRead MoreSexual Education And Sex Education1358 Words   |  6 PagesDo Not Have Sex, You Will Get Pregnant Die (Mean Girls) What if a rapist was coming at someone? Do kids know what to do besides lie on the ground and cry? What if a teenager had an unplanned pregnancy? Do they know their options about abortion or adoption or keeping the baby? Will young adults know the results of their choices? Sexual education teaches all of the following, and kids in the curriculum are more likely to defend themselves in a plot when they were approached by a stranger (â€Å"TeachingRead MoreSex Education Are Essential For Teens1479 Words   |  6 PagesSex Education is a controversial but extremely important topic. Yet, we are doing very little to address it. Teaching sex education in schools are essential for teens to help build a strong foundation of sexual health. Although sex education must begin at home, some parents feel uncomfortable talking about the topic with their children and they believe teaching their children about sex can end up encouraging them to engage in sexual intercourse. Due to that, parents and schools try to emphasize theRead MoreDisadvantages Of Sex Education1734 Words   |  7 PagesSex education helps people gain the information, skills and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex and initially assists with determining their individual sexuality. Unfortunately, when most students are done with sex education classes, they do not have a clear understanding of contraception and safe sex practices and the benefits they allow for. Almost everything revolves around sex or doing drugs and the peer and media pressure that follows is unwavering. Although we have a handful ofRead MoreThe Case For Rights Education1665 Words   |  7 PagesYouth to Undergo Sexual Education Courses Abramson, Seth. The Case for Rights Education Alongside Sex Education. The Huffington Post, 18 July 2016. The Huffington Post, Accessed 21 Nov. 2016. In â€Å"The Case for Rights Education Alongside Sex Education†, Seth Abramson states that the reason sex education is present in the majority of all American schools is because sex matters. He makes anRead MoreEssay on Comprehensive Sex Education900 Words   |  4 Pages having knowledge about sex is as essential as having education about human anatomy. However, it is highly recommended to pay close attention when sex education is delivered to youths. (Donatelle 171) What and when do American parents want their children to be thought about sex? This is an ongoing question that parents seek to find the best answer, to be able to inform their kids about sexuality in order to build up a strong foundation for sexual health. Sex education, as it is understood today

An Analysis of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a...

An Analysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a Picaresque Tale A picaresque novel is based on a story that is typically satirical and illustrates with realistic and witty detail the adventures of a roguish hero of lower social standing who lives by their common sense in a corrupt society. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, is an eminent example of picaresque literature. There are many aspects of the novel that portray picaresque through the history and personality of the main character, Huck Finn. Although Huck has good intentions and is by nature innocent, he is the picaro in the story. A picaro or rogue is an unprincipled adolescent who is very mischievous in personality, also known as a rascal or scoundrel.†¦show more content†¦Huckleberry Finn is the epitome of a wander. From the very beginning of the book when he has been taken in by the Widow Douglas he still sneaks out to wander around and sleep in the woods. In chapter IV (pg. 110 in the Norton Anthology of American Literature) the reader is first exposed to his wandering ways. â€Å" Living in a house, and sleeping in a bed, pulled on me pretty tight, mostly, but before the cold weather I used to slide out and sleep in the woods, sometimes, and so that was a rest to me.† Huck’s preference of sleeping in the woods instead of a bed represents not only Huck’s un-civility and refusal to conform, but also introduces us to him as a wander, a key element in picaresque. Huck remains a wander without a destination for a good majority of the book. The entire second half of the book Huckleberry is on the river, sailing away from conformity, but with no true destination in mind. Huck is the essence of a wander, which strengthens his role as the picaro in this story. There are several specific events and examples that occur in this novel that support The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a picaresque story. One of the first events that cast Huck as a picaro is the entrance of Huck’s father into the story. Twain could have just left Pap out, and just let the reader know that Huck was an orphan and his father was a drunk, but by bringing Pap back into Huck’s lifeShow MoreRelated Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and Kerouac’s On the Road – The River and the Road3035 Words   |  13 PagesTwain’s Huckleberry Finn and Kerouac’s On the Road – The River and the Road One element that separates a good novel from a great novel is its enduring effects on society. A great novel transcends time; it changes and mirrors the consciousness of a civilization. One such novel is Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. For the past one hundred and fifteen years, it has remained in print and has been one of the most widely studied texts in high schools and colleges. According to Lionel TrillingRead MoreMasquerading Colonial Innocence in Rudyard Kiplings Kim2940 Words   |  12 Pagesexperiences as a spy, his appealing association with the lama, and the ability and craftsmanship of Kiplings writing have all produced this daring and evocative if contentious novel to persevere as a minor classic of historical English literature. Analysis of Kim Kiplings selection of a teenage boy as the main character of his lengthiest novel openly gives a signals that he has an appointment with, and appreciation to, an current and still emerging custom of nineteenth-century Anglo-American childrensRead MoreEssay about The Works of E. B. White1540 Words   |  7 Pagesepisodic adventure tale reminiscent of novels in the picaresque style. A fantasy is also relayed through omniscient third-person narration. In this story, Stuart is challenged by his size and must struggle to complete even the simplest tasks that most people take for granted. In a way, he becomes the personification of the American hero as he overcomes adversity and seeks adventure. Kathleen Schongar states that Stuart rejects society and accepts himself just like Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn does.

Analysis of Battle Royal free essay sample

Tao Hengsheng Professor Dawson English 184 11 October 2012 Everfight By depicting his grandfathers words and his experience in the battle royal that accompanied with bewilderment and gradual maturity, the narrator presented us a story that stimulates deep thought for not only the social status, but also the mental status of blacks. There are about specific points, which are the significance of grandfathers words and extended symbolism of blindfold, I would like to draw attention to and discuss, in order to provide a profound inquiry of Battle Royal. Evidently, grandfather had been practicing for the common good for his whole life, yet he called himself a traitor. His words seemed more powerful than his death in that my folks were more alarmed over his last words than over his dying. The narrator was confused. On one hand, the narrator was warned emphatically to forget what he had said, raising more curiosity; on the other, the narrator could never be sure of what he meant, and all he could do was having a feeling of an anonymous guilt, whenever things went well. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Battle Royal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Never knowing whom the grandfather betrayed, he was being praised among the whites for having such attitude, further leading to a moral ambiguity. It should be concluded, its himself, his family, or his race as a whole, grandfather had betrayed. At ease he was; he felt comfortable being satisfied with the current condition, forgetting to fight. Eventually, however, he answered to the call of guts that people who do give up arms are doomed to death and ruin, leaving his words and warns, hoping his future generations would not act like him. Blindfold played an important role in the battle royal, where apparently it’s used to block peoples’ sight, in order to increase the interest of such watching such contest. It became a huge barrier for the narrator in that without sight he felt blow from everywhere, yet the blindfold blocked not nly the narrator’s eyes. Blindfold made the narrator blind, mentally. He believed he could achieve success and win respect by genuine meekness; he cannot see the injustice in the battle royal; he dare not to fight when he is being questioned if he pronounced incorrectly; he cannot unmask what is being praised was just deliberately disguised racism; he played up to the whites, whereas what he got was venom—the electric rug, the battle field and the fake prize.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How do Durrenmatt (The Visit) and Ibsen(A Dolls House)use the institution of marriage to comment on their respective societies Essay Example For Students

How do Durrenmatt (The Visit) and Ibsen(A Dolls House)use the institution of marriage to comment on their respective societies Essay Throughout history, the role of a woman has been that of a submissive and attentive wife, Her role mainly comprised of living for her husband and her children. (Rasha.Adderpit 2002). Both Durrenmatt (The Visit) and Ibsen(A Dolls House) reflect this issue in their writings: In Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House, Ibsen examines the consequences of stereotypical role of couples in marriage and presents how the woman regains her strength and self-respect. ( While Friedrich Durrennmats The Visit, exhibits how a woman utilizes the power of marriage to seek revenge on her ex-lover and town people as a whole. I decided to investigate the different institutions of marriage as they are depicted in both plays, through the question: How do Durrenmatt (The Visit) and Ibsen(A Dolls House)use the institution of marriage to comment on their respective societies. It is vital for us to discuss the temporal settings. As we know, the two female characters live in two completely different times. Nora lives in Victorian times (19th century) where nothing was considered more holy than the covenant of marriage (Wikipedia A_Dolls_House) while Clara lives in a modern age (1950-1960) , a time that contains much corruption of justice and everything is based on wealth and authority. Commonly, both of the characters live in male-dominant and money-oriented societies where a woman is relatively powerless and cannot cannot make important decisions However, Clara and Nora have different values and attitudes concerning marriage. Nora appears to be a weaker figure as she, to some extent, has lost her identity in her marriage. It is true to say that her purpose is to be a caring and traditional wife and she always displays kindness and concern for her husband and children. A good example can be the time when she forged her fathers name and borrowed 800 Cronen in order take her husband to Italy. She is eager to serve her family without any thought. Last winter I was so luckyI got a heap of copying to do. I shut myself up every evening and wrote far into the night. Oh, sometimes I was so tired, so tired. And yet it was splendid to work in that way and earn money. I almost felt as if I was a man. (Ibsen, 2002, page 22). Even through Nora is trying to do something society expects, we still can say that Nora plays a weak role in her relationship with Helmer and their marriage can be dramatically seen as a barrier imprisoning her life. The root cause of this problem is her instinctive feeling on the one hand and her belief in authority on the other hand thus bringing her into complete confusion (Ferguson ,1996). She feels that she lived with a stranger, -( her husband Helmer,) You dont understand me, And Ive never understood you-until just now (Ibsen, 2002 page 80). For eight years Ive lived with a stranger. Born him three children, I cant bear it. Id like to tear myself to pieces. (Ibsen, 2002 page 85). Moreover, In the end, we can also explore the fact that Nora is unable to deal with marriage as her purpose of marriage is alerted to real happiness that contradicts the expectations of women from 19th Century Europe.. but I am going find out, which of us is right, society or me. (Ibsen, 2002 page 84 ). Clara , however, is different from Nora. In the play The Visit, we can perceive her as an old, unkillable woman, eager to have money and authority. In the entire story, it is easy for us to find that unlike Nora in A Dolls House, Clara has never been trapped into marriage. In contrast, there is evidence to the effect that Claras truthful relationship in marriages seems to be less important in comparison to Nora. She controls her marriages as a man and most of her husbands are treated as consumer goods. Furthermore, she does not have a stable marriage as Nora does. All her marriages and divorces are so sudden, its my second shortest marriage. Only the one with Lord Ishmael was trifle quicker. (Durrenmatt, 1973, page 64) This suggests that she does not really care about marriage itself but about the authority she can obtain. My fourth, impoverished. His share belongs to me (Durrenmatt, 1973, page 52) .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 , .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .postImageUrl , .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 , .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3:hover , .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3:visited , .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3:active { border:0!important; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3:active , .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3 .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8ef14200d4fde8ce566fcfe8748c86e3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Fair Lady Review Essay ThesisIn addition, reading through the play we can also explore that unlike Nora, there is no positive and clear purpose in Claras marriages. But she has stronger feeling to rebel against the societies view The world made me a prostitute and I will turn the world into brothel. (Friedrich, 1973, page 67) we also find that Clara has not lost her identity as Nora beacuse she never had one, and she can also be seen as vicitm of justice itself (Crokett ,1998,page 93). She was driven out of town with shame and she has been a prostitute, so she understands that her status is only higher than an animal and the only way to raise her status is to satisfy a wealthy mans lust. She believes that there is no romantic love in this dehumanized world and her sexual relationship with men can raise her status in society and give her a better life. This is the reason why she gets married to Mr. Zachanassan, who dramatically changes her personal status and makes her become more powerful. As Clara describes And millions more in cash. It was worth marriage. A greater teacher, and a dancer; a real evil. Ive copied him completely. (Friedrich, 1973 page 42) Whats more, we can see that the she does not care about a normal persons life and feelings, as long as she can take revenge on the whole town people. It is also important for us to observe other female characters such as Mrs. Linde in A Dolls House and Mrs. Ill in The Visit. To start with, through these two characters conversations and attitude toward life, we can find that they actually serve completely opposite roles in comparison with Nora and Clara. Mrs. Linde, for instance, is Noras friend who has working experience and takes responsibility for her family. I had to turn my hand to anything I could find-first a small shop, then a small school, and so on. The last three years have seemed like one long working-day, with no rest. (Ibsen 2002, page 20) Meanwhile, even though, she has suffered poverty and was widowed when she was young, Mrs Linde can still manage to survive crises based on her truthful relationship with other people The ability for her to rebuild her relationship with Krogstad is a good case I need someone to mother, your children need mother; you and I need each other. I trust you, Nils, the man you really are . ( Ibsen ,2002 ,page 67) She wants Nora and Helmer to understand each other. Helmer must know all about it. This unhappy secret must be disclosed; they must have a complete understanding between them, which is impossible with all this concealment and falsehood going on. ( Ibsen ,2002 ,page 35) In The Visit, through Mrs. Ill conversation with others, we understand that she is a person with a realistic personality. Unlike Clara, Mrs. Ill does not want to corrupt society; she loves her family there are no secrets in our family. What we always say is, anything God knows, our children ought to know, (Durrenmatt, 1973 page 72). She is also aware of the fact that sometimes giving up somebody or something may lead to a later worthy life. We would hang it in the bedroom. Over the bed. Alfred ll be old one day. And you never know what might happen, its a comfort to have a souvenir. (Durrenmatt, 1973 page 70) This might be the reason why she does not find a way to save her husband and buys things for other members of the family. In conclusion, I think that both plays describe female attitudes to marriage consistent with the 19th and 20th century Europe. Despite some similarities, there are many differences as they illustrate the institution of marriage in their respective societies. By examing the marriges of Nora in A Dolls House, I believe that the information Ibsen wants to convey is to critisise the institution of marriage in conventional societies. As we can see in the text, Nora can be a happy and cheerful woman who can greatly gain respect as she devotes herself to marriage. However, the social conception of marriage insists that for the sake of conformity she needs be nothing else apart from plaything, a doll, a nonentity. ( However, if we analyze the character of Clara In the Visit, we will see that Durrenmatt uses her to judge the utilization of the marriage institution. He wants to make Claras marriage an example to demonstrate how marriage can be abused by woman to ga in social acceptance and power through wealth.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ritalin Essays - Methylphenidate, , Term Papers

Ritalin Ritalin The Babysitter of the 90's 07/03/2000 Prepared for Nursing 2116 by Tracey Hardin Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is a mild CNS stimulant. In medicine, Ritalin's primary use is treatment of Attention Deficit /Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The mode of action in humans is not completely understood, but Ritalin presumably activates the arousal system of the brain stem and the cortex to produce its stimulant effect. Recently, the frequency of diagnosis for ADHD has increased dramatically. More children and an increasing number of adults are being diagnosed with ADHD. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) (Bailey 1995), prescriptions for Ritalin have increased more than 600% in the past five years. Ritalin has a long history of controversy regarding side effects and potential for abuse, however it greatly benefits those with ADHD. Ritalin (Methylphenidate) is manufactured by CIBA-Geigy Corporation. It is supplied in 5 mg., 10 mg., and 20 mg. tablets, and in a sustained release form, Ritalin SR, in 20 mg. tablets. It is readily water soluble and is intended for oral use. It is a Schedule II Controlled Substance under both the Federal and Vermont Controlled Substance Acts. Ritalin is primarily used in the treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (Bailey 1995). ADHD is a condition most likely based in an inefficiency and inadequacy of Dopamine and Norepinephrine hormone availability, typically occurring when a person with ADHD tries to concentrate. Ritalin improves the efficiency of the hormones Dopamine and Norepinephrine, increasing the resources for memory, focus, concentration and attention (Clark 1996). Ritalin has been used for more than 30 years to treat ADHD. Nervousness and insomnia are the most common adverse reactions reported, but are usually controlled by reducing dosage or omitting the afternoon or evening dose. Decreased appetite is also common but usually transient (Long 1996). According to Clark (1996), children, adolescents and adults diagnosed with ADHD usually report the following effects when successfully treated with Ritalin: Improved concentration Better focus Improved ability to complete their work Improved intensity of attention and longer attention span Reduced distractibility Reduced impulsivity Reduced restlessness and overactivity Improved patience More elaborate expressive vocabulary Better written expression and handwriting (especially in children) An improved sense of alertness Improved memory for visual as well as auditory stimuli Ritalin exhibits pharmacological activity similar to that of amphetamines. Ritalin's exact mechanism of action in the CNS is not fully understood, but the primary sites of activity appear to be in the cerebral cortex and the subcortical structures including the thalamus. Ritalin blocks the reuptake mechanism present in dopaminergic neurons. As a result, sympathomimetic activity in the central nervous system and in the peripheral nervous system increases. Ritalin-induced CNS stimulation produces a decreased sense of fatigue, an increase in motor activity and mental alertness, mild euphoria, and brighter spirits. In the PNS, the actions of Ritalin are minimal at therapeutic doses (Clinical Pharmacology Online 1997). Ritalin is the quickest of all oral ADHD stimulant medications in onset of action: it starts to achieve benefit in 20 - 30 minutes after administration, and is most effective during the upward slope' and peak serum levels. Ritalin's effect is brief: Most people experience 2-3 hours of benefit, but after 3 hours, benefits drop off rapidly. Some individuals, especially children, may obtain 4 or even 5 hours of positive effect (Clark 1996). Recently, there has been a dramatic upsurge of interest in using stimulants (mainly Ritalin) for children and adults for the increasingly popular diagnosis of ADHD. According to Persky (1996), the high frequency of the diagnosis of ADHD is a uniquely American phenomenon. Children and adults are now under greater pressure to perform and to do well academically or in the workplace. The chilling message in school and at work is Perform or Else. Because of this high intensity atmosphere, the use of Ritalin has become attractive. This has resulted in an acute epidemic of ADHD and the treatment of choice is Ritalin (Persky 1996). For example, after education reforms spearheaded by Ross Perot in Texas in 1984, Ritalin use in the state doubled. One Texas mother says she is being hounded by teachers to put her two boys on Ritalin against their psychologist's advice. Another mother says she had to ask a school board member to intervene when teachers at her child's school also pressed for

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Writing a Great College Application Essay - 4 Great Essay Tips

Writing a Great College Application Essay - 4 Great Essay TipsWriting a great college application essay is the most important part of your college application. As you probably know, it's the first thing your college counselor will read and ultimately use to determine whether or not you qualify for their program. The essay needs to be solid, compelling, and engaging.While writing an application essay can seem like a daunting task, there are plenty of tools you can use to help make it easier. The most important tool is time. If you are able to devote the time necessary to write your essay, it will be well worth your while.There are a number of writing tips you can use to help speed up the process. One of the best ways to write a good essay is to identify the areas you know you will be writing about. For example, if you plan to talk about your background and your interests, you can write those first. Once you have your personal information and personal thoughts ready, you can move on to identifying your academic goals.The personal essay can be a bit more personal than a generic academic or personality essay, so don't be afraid to talk about certain events or people in your life. These are important parts of your academic profile, so take the time to share something that ties into your academic goals.The second tip is to write in the third person throughout the essay. I know that most writing tips would recommend writing from the perspective of the writer or the reader, but since this is an essay about applying to college, the fact that you are the one who writes the essay should help the reader relate to you. This will also allow you to provide direct feedback to the college.Finally, when you are writing the essay, you want to avoid using the same paragraphs all the way through. Write out a few sentences of a new idea or topic each time. This will keep your essay flowing, as well as keep it from feeling dry.The final tip is to be confident with your essay. There a re many times when people write poorly, so don't feel like you have to 'write it well.' Sometimes a very poorly written essay can look fantastic in print.Always make sure you read the instructions for the essay being submitted for publication. It will tell you how to format your essay, what to include and where to go for additional writing help. You can also find assistance from outside sources, such as tutors, professors, or counselors.